Harajuku Summer Fashion

Osaka has been under the spell of a sweltering heat wave for the past week. Officially, temperatures are around 35 to 39 degrees centigrade (95 to 102 Fahrenheit), but with black asphalt under your feet and concrete all around, real temperatures are a lot higher than that.

You wouldn’t say that from looking at the fashion seen on the streets, though. No shorts and tank-tops on Osaka’s streets. People dress as carefully as always.

Especially popular this Summer is leggings (spats) in combination with dresses or skirts (see photo). I have only been able to shoot three people wearing this combination so far, but surely many will follow as the trend seems to be everywhere.

Another trend seems to be that brands are making a big comeback. I found fewer used clothes than before and more big brands.

Click on the photo to see all photos of this month’s shoots.


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